Barns and Country

Old barns are my second favorite subject matter to photograph, after abandoned places. These are some photos I took in North and South Carolina. I tend to like to do a lot of post-processing on barns to convey their personality.

Moose Lodge

The Moose Fraternity started in 1888 in Louisville, Kentucky, as a social club that raised funds for charities, and spread across the U.S. This lodge, located in Tyrone, PA, was built in 1927 and strikes an imposing presence on the street, tall walls of red brick with detailed moose heads on two sides.

The lodge was shut down 11 years ago. Membership had been declining and the manager had become involved with local kids selling drugs. Charlie, our host, who is the president of the borough council, said the town, like many others in the U.S. had a drug problem, but he was firm in voicing that the town was sorting it out. The decay had set in fast throughout the building. There was water on the floor in many of the rooms and in one were huge fluffy globs of black mold clinging to floor tiles and broken furniture. The ceiling looked like it had once been padded and held up at intervals with huge studs, once upon a time looking like huge cushions with a button in the middle. Now the plastic hung down like huge flaps of skin.

It was hot and crowded and there weren’t a lot of money shots, but I liked the shots I got.


