
 “As the owner of one of your paintings, I have been meaning to write to you for a long time to let you know how much my wife and I have enjoyed 'Introvert.'

It hangs in my wife's office, and it has become her favorite art work. While at first I purchased the piece for its strong and contrasting colors, I soon realized the subtleties of the composition -- much like the shifting dance of the seven veils where emotion and structure and savoir faire intermingle to create a vivid and heartfelt canvas that resonates beyond the confines of its size. I believe you are a talented and sensitive painter, able to capture the visual of the iceberg while making the viewer feel the huge, passionate mass below. Congratulations! Please, don't forget to invite me to your next exhibition, which I hope happens soon."
  - David Pereda, North Carolina, Award-Winning author of the Havana Series of Thrillers and former art gallery owner

“I was referred to Celeste Heery by a friend. Upon visiting the website I was immediately struck by the artist’s bold use of color, and I felt as though each painting told a story all its own. I contacted the artist to discuss the possibility of her creating two pieces for me. I was impressed by the detailed questions she asked me concerning the types of pieces and color schemes I was looking for. She offered several suggestions that I realized would enhance the quality of the paintings. Ms. Heery kept me informed regularly on her progress with both emails and photos. The finished pieces were well beyond my expectations - I was thrilled with her unique use of texture which brought an amazing vibrancy to each painting. Each time I look at the paintings I find something new hidden amongst the bursting energy of the colors. This was my first experience with commissioning artwork, and I am happy to say it was a true pleasure. Ms. Heery will have me as a lifelong collector!” 
  - Karen Pearce, South Carolina

“I currently have two of Celeste Heery's abstracts hanging in my home, and they both give me a sense of renewed energy every time I look at them. My eyes automatically go to these paintings every time I walk into the room. They bring me such joy; it doesn't feel right trying to put it into words because this is art in its truest form; simple, fresh, delightful!”
  - Whipple Dutton, Virginia

“I was thrilled to receive your paintings. I chose the painting, Operator II, from your website for the color and composition and after I received it was drawn to the texture, as well. It is completely harmonious; a "musical" piece, reminding me (and others) of the smooth sound of New Orleans jazz. I love how it challenges the imagination of all who gaze upon it. You are an inspiration!”  
  - Kim Watchel, Texas


“Celeste Heery has been my art instructor for over a year now. She has been teaching me the basics of fine art and has helped me to learn the mechanics of painting.  Her unique style is something I admire greatly and I consider myself lucky to have her as my mentor. I look forward to learning more from her.”
- Ben Rickman, Virginia 

“As a graphic designer, I wasn’t sure when offered a painting lesson, if I’d be able to let go. When I took the brush, I just let the art flow through my body and it was peaceful. Celeste was able to direct me and offer great advice. She introduced me to her unique techniques that makes her art so powerful! I will forever be grateful for my painting lessons.”
- Dawn Brunk, Virginia